ArrayList One loop sorted, the other unsorted

For this assignment I need to sort one list and also keep the original list, but when I click the button twice, the original list is also sorted.

        String output = "";
    String sortedOutput = "";

    for (int j = 0; j < song.size(); j++){
        output += song.get(j) + "\n";

    for (int k = 0; k < song.size(); k++){
        sortedOutput += song.get(k) + "\n";


    titleArtistOutput.setText("Original Order\n" + output + "\nSorted Order\n" + sortedOutput);

Is there anything I can put on the first loop to prevent it from getting sorted?


Thank you Jon Skeet!

I made another arraylist

String output = "";
String sortedOutput = "";

List <String> sortedSongs = new ArrayList <String> (song);

 for (int j = 0; j < song.size(); j++){
    output += song.get(j) + "\n";

for (int k = 0; k < song.size(); k++){
    sortedOutput += sortedSongs.get(k) + "\n";


titleArtistOutput.setText("Original Order\n" + output + "\nSorted Order\n" + sortedOutput);

Sorry for the easy question, I am new to programming.

Jon Skeet

I suspect you just want to take a copy of the list, then sort that:

List<Song> sortedSongs = new ArrayList<Song>(song);
Collections.sort(sortedSongs); // Will not affect song

Note that this should be done before your loop, not inside it.


See more on this question at Stackoverflow