Manual closing inside try with resource

Let's say I'm using a poorly documented third party library, one for which no source code is available. One of the library's methods accepts an InputStream to load various data.

Due to the lack of documentation, it's not clear whether or not the method closes the stream once it's done with it, so one possible solution might be to wrap the call in a try-with-resource, just to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately, the Java specification makes (as far as I can tell) no mention of what happens if a resource is manually closed inside a try-with-resource. Does anyone happen to know?

Jon Skeet

It will entirely depend on the implementation of the resource itself. The try-with-resource statement is "just" syntactic sugar (but oh so sweet) for calling close() within a finally block (and preserving exceptions etc).

So long as the stream supports close() being called twice - which I expect most implementations do, and the contract of InputStream requires - it will be absolutely fine.

Note that you'd be in exactly the same situation with the familiar wrapping of one resource within another, e.g.

try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(...)) {
   try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(input, ...)) {

Or with a single try-with-resources statement:

try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(...);
     Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(input, ...)) {

In both cases there will be two finally blocks, so that first reader.close() is called, then input.close() - but reader.close() will close input anyway.


See more on this question at Stackoverflow