I'm used to working with the Scala programming language - using Scala I could map over futures, such as:
val response: Future[HttpResponse] = asyncHttpClient.GetRequest("www.google.com")
val statusCode: Future[Int] = response.map(r => r.statusCode)
Recently I've picked up working with C#, and I saw myself being in the same situation as the example above, however I couldn't figure out how "map" a task.
Here is an example of what I want to achieve:
Task<HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.GetAsync("www.google.com")
Task<int> statusCode = response.Map(response => response.StatusCode)
I'm slightly surprised there isn't anything in the framework for this, to be honest. (More likely, there is an I haven't seen it.) You can build it fairly easily though:
public static async Task<TResult> Map<TSource, TResult>
(Task<TSource> task, Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
=> selector(await task);
See more on this question at Stackoverflow