Get the actual value that failed the Parse

Disclaimer This question is about, If and How we can use the Parse method exceptions, to find which argument/variable had actually failed the conversion. It is NOT, to argue if this is best or the correct way neither to find alternatives such as TryParse or subsequent If statements. However, each and every alternative or workaround is appreciated.

I have the following code-block in C#

string a = "1"
string b = "b"
string c = "3"

// add many more similar

    int a1 = int.Parse(a);
    int b1 = int.Parse(b);
    int c1 = int.Parse(c);
catch (Exception e)
    // Here I will do some logging

Here the int b1 = int.Parse(b); line will fail and catch block will catch the exception.

Is it possible by examining, programmatically, the Exception info, to find the actual value (the value of string b, not the name of the variable) that caused the error. For example I would like to get something like:

Could not parse "b"

Jon Skeet

Not reliably - there's nothing in the FormatException that does this for you. Parsing the message is very fragile - it can change in different versions of .NET, and it'll be localized.

One option would be to write your own Parse method which is interoperable with int.Parse, but throws a subclass of FormatException. For example:

public class ParseException : FormatException
    public string OriginalValue { get; }

    public ParseException(string message, string originalValue)
        : base(message)
        OriginalValue = originalValue;

public class ExtendedParsing
    public int ParseInt32(string value)
        int result;
        if (int.TryParse(value, out result))
            return result;
        throw new ParseException($"Unable to parse \"{value}\"", value);

Then you can use it as:

    int a1 = ExtendedParsing.ParseInt32(a);
    int b1 = ExtendedParsing.ParseInt32(b);
    int c1 = ExtendedParsing.ParseInt32(c);
catch (ParseException e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Value that I failed to parse: {e.OriginalValue}");


See more on this question at Stackoverflow