System.IO.FileNotFoundException, Newtonsoft.Json .Net

I have .NET console application and there is a problem with newtonsoft library. When I start console application with Visual studio by clicking start button, there is no problem. Everything is good. However, If i try to run myprogram.exe under the obj/debug folder, it gives following error:

"System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'file or compilation, or one of its dependencies. The system can not find the specified file.File Name: 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' Location: Barcode_Form.Cloud_Form.Check_Cloud(String username, String password)"

private void button_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        label_response.Text = "Baglaniyor...";
        //Make buttons not clickable until the result of login trial
        try {
            if (textbox_password.Text != "" && textbox_id.Text != "")
                //Check the cloud if the user is valid or not
                if (Cloud_Form.Check_Cloud(textbox_id.Text, textbox_password.Text) == true)

                    user_id = textbox_id.Text;
                    user_pass = textbox_password.Text;
                    Network_Form network = new Network_Form();
           = true;
                    this.Enabled = false;

        catch(Exception ex)
            this.Enabled = true;
        label_response.Text = "";

public static bool Check_Cloud(string username, string password)
         try {
             string jsonstr2 = Call_Reseller_JsonStr(username, password);
             JObject outp = JObject.Parse(jsonstr2);
             string return_code = (string)outp["code"]; //check if it is successful or not
            if (return_code.Equals("200") == true)
                 return true;
             else {
                return false;
         catch(Exception ex)
             return false;

it gives error check_cloud function. How can i run myprogram.exe without getting error? Thanks in advance.

Jon Skeet

Don't run it from the obj\Debug directory - the obj directory is basically temporary build artefacts. Instead, run it from the bin\Debug directory, where you'll find all the dependencies (in this case Newtonsoft.Json.dll) are present as well.

Basically, you can ignore the obj directory in almost all cases - it's extremely rare for it to be relevant. The bin directory is the real output folder containing useful results.


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