Whats the difference between adding a normal subscriber method to an event, and an anonymous event handler?

I'm struggling to understand why it's okay to attach a 'normal' method as a subscriber to a publisher event, and also a delegate.

For example...

public class Caller
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public event EventHandler<RuedaEventArgs> MakeRuedaCall;

    public virtual void OnMakeRuedaCall(RuedaEventArgs args) {
        if (MakeRuedaCall != null) {
            MakeRuedaCall(this, args);

This is my publisher class where I define and raise the event. I'm also making use of some custom event arguments.

public class Salsera {
    public Salsera(Caller caller) {
        caller.MakeRuedaCall += MakeMovement;
    public void MakeMovement(object source, RuedaEventArgs args) {
        if (args.CallName == "Vacilala") {
        if (args.CallName == "Patin") {
    private void MoveToOutside() {
        Console.WriteLine("Ladies move to the outside....");
    private void Turn() {
        Console.WriteLine("Ladies turn....");

This is a class where I add a method as a subscriber to the event in the constructor.

Suppose I then have somewhere else...

Caller matt = new Caller();

EventHandler<RuedaEventArgs> anonyMouseFunc = (sender, eventArgs) =>
    switch (eventArgs.CallName) {
        case "Patin":
            Console.WriteLine("Adding a new subscriber for Patin");
        case "Vacilala":
            Console.WriteLine("Adding a new subscriber for Vacilala");
matt.MakeRuedaCall += anonyMouseFunc;

Sorry if this seems like a silly question but why is it that you can subscribe a 'normal' method (assuming it matches the delegate signiture) to an event, and also an anonymous method as a delegate to an event.

i.e. how does public event EventHandler<RuedaEventArgs> MakeRuedaCall; handle both options?

Many thanks,

Jon Skeet

Sorry if this seems like a silly question but why is it that you can subscribe a 'normal' method (assuming it matches the delegate signiture) to an event, and also an anonymous method as a delegate to an event.

You're subscribing a delegate in both cases. In this case:

caller.MakeRuedaCall += MakeMovement;

... you're using a method group conversion to convert MakeMovement (which is a method group in spec terminology) into a delegate instance. That code is (almost entirely) equivalent to:

caller.MakeRuedaCall += new EventHandler<RuedaEventArgs>(MakeMovement);

Or to think of it another way, it's equivalent to:

EventHandler<RuedaEventArgs> handler = MakeMovement;
caller.MakeRuedaCall += handler;

This ability to create delegates from regular methods isn't just for event handling, of course - you can use it for LINQ and anywhere else you use delegates, too.


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