Covert UTC Date String to SQL Timestamp using Java 8

I have a Date String in UTC format with Zone. I have to convert it into SQL Timestamp with +/- Zone into time using Java 8.0 E.g.

2016-10-14T10:12:18.000+02:00 needs to be converted to 2016-10-14T08:12:18.000+00:00 or 2016-10-14T8:12:18.000Z

String utcDate = "2016-10-14T10:12:18.100+02:00";
ZonedDateTime result = ZonedDateTime.parse(utcDate, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);
System.out.println("Parsed: " + result);


Parsed: 2016-10-14T10:12:18.100+02:00

It doesn't add the zone +02:00 to Date.

Jon Skeet

Well currently you're not doing anything to convert the value - you're using a ZonedDateTime, so it's preserving the time zone (at least, the offset) that was provided. (I'd use OffsetDateTime for this rather than ZonedDateTime, as you don't actually have a time zone.)

You could either use withZoneSameInstant:

ZonedDateTime utc = result.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC);

Or just convert to an Instant:

Instant instant = result.toInstant();

(and then format appropriately, of course).


See more on this question at Stackoverflow