Is there a way to use an object from a list only if it exists?

I have a List of objects, lets say DataTables.

Is it possible to use an object from the list only if it exists?

For example, if the TableList contains 5 DataTables named a,b,c,d,e.

if (TableList.Any(t => t.TableName == "a"))
     TableList.First(t => t.TableName == "a").DoStuff();


     DataTable TheReturnOf_a = TableList.First(t => t.TableName == "a");
else if (TableList.Any(t => t.TableName == "f"))
     TableList.First(t => t.TableName == "f")).DoMoreStuff();
Jon Skeet

Assuming TableList has an element type that is a reference type, you can use FirstOrDefault() to return the first match or null, then the null conditional operator to only call the method if the target is non-null:

TableList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TableName == "a")?.DoStuff();

So your original code is equivalent to:

var tableA = TableList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TableName == "a");
if (tableA != null)
    TableList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TableName == "f").DoStuff();

Alternatively, if you're going to do the same thing to the table you end up using, and you're just trying to get the right table, you could use or null coalescing operator:

// Find an "a" table if possible, but revert to an "f" table otherwise.
var table = TableList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TableName == "a") ??
            TableList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TableName == "f");
// Call DoStuff() on the table - handling the case where there isn't an
// "a" or an "f" table.


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