How to implement server side google authorization on dotnet core

I need to implement server-side validation for in-app purchases of my android application, in C# dotnet core platform which runs on linux.

I have read this page so many times and finally found about this issue which shows I'm not alone. It looks like Google currently does not directly support dotnet core fully.

Is there anyone who could achieve this using any third party library?

Jon Skeet

The issue you linked to is about users logging in via MVC.

If you want to use a service account:

  • If your server is on Google Cloud (e.g. Compute Engine, Container Engine or App Engine) you shouldn't need to do anything
  • Otherwise, download a service account JSON file by following the instructions here and make sure the server has local access to the file then either:
    • Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable and use GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault or
    • Use the new GoogleCredential.FromFile method (introduced in 1.29.0 of the client library support package)


See more on this question at Stackoverflow