Calculate the number of hours between two dates using NodaTime

I'm trying to use NodaTime to calculate the number of hours between two dates and I get this exception:

"Units contains time units: Hours. Parameter name: units"

This code works fine for years, months, and days.

public ElapsedTimeNodaTime(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
   var birthday = new LocalDate(StartDate.Year, StartDate.Month, Date.Day);
   var today = new LocalDate(EndDate.Year, EndDate.Month, EndDate.Day);

    Years = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Years).Years;
    Months = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Months).Months;
    Days = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Days).Days;
    Hours = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Hours).Hours;
Jon Skeet

If you've just got dates, the simplest option is to multiply the number of days by 24.

Alternatively, create LocalDateTime values instead:

Hours = Period.Between(birthday.AtMidnight(), today.AtMidnight(), PeriodUnits.Hours).Hours;

Or you could stick to LocalDateTime for everything:

public ElapsedTimeNodaTime(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
   var birthday = startDate.ToLocalDateTime();
   var today = endDate.ToLocalDateTime();

    Years = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Years).Years;
    Months = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Months).Months;
    Days = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Days).Days;
    Hours = Period.Between(birthday, today, PeriodUnits.Hours).Hours;

It seems a little pointless though - why redundantly calculate hours when you've got days?


See more on this question at Stackoverflow