The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Int32', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'IMS.Models.Dealer'

I know there are a lot of similar questions here, but none of them could solve my problem.

When I access the URL: http://localhost:42626/dealer/edit/2

Error occurs:

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Int32', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'IMS.Models.Dealer'.

DealerController Code:

public ActionResult Edit(int DealerId = 0)
    //get from database
    Models.Dealer dealer = new Models.Dealer();
    string Error;
    if(dealer.GetDealer(DealerId, out Error))
        return View(dealer);

    return View(DealerId);

public ActionResult Edit(Models.Dealer dealer)
    //if All validations are true
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        string Error;
        //save to database
        if(dealer.Save(out Error))
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
            TempData["EditMessage"] = "An error occured. Could not update Dealer. Details: " + Error;
            return Edit(dealer.Id);

    return Edit(dealer.Id);

I've created View with strongly typed Models.Dealer and template is Edit.

If I have defined [HttpGet] and [HttpPost], why is it not accepting int and keep asking for Dealer model??

Jon Skeet

Currently if the dealer ID can't be found, you're calling RedirectToAction, but ignoring the result and then trying to return your view with the dealer ID. I suspect you want:

public ActionResult Edit(int dealerId = 0)
    //get from database
    Models.Dealer dealer = new Models.Dealer();
    string error;
    if (dealer.GetDealer(dealerId, out error))
        return View(dealer);
        return RedirectToAction("Index");

I've updated the variable names to be more idiomatic, btw. It feels odd that a dealer itself has GetDealer, mind you - I'd expect some kind of DealerService to be provided to your controller via dependency injection, so you'd then have:

Dealer dealer = dealerService.GetDealer(dealerId);

(I'd also probably use exceptions for error handling rather than strings like this, but that's a different matter.)


See more on this question at Stackoverflow