Below is my piece of linq code
mTimeslot = (from users in mContext.MFUsers
join tblTime in mContext.tblTimeslots on users.UserID equals tblTime.varAdvisorId
join tblApp in mContext.tblAppointments on new { varAdvisorId=users.UserID,tblTime.varSlotId} equals new {tblApp.varAdvisorId, varSlotId = tblApp.varSlotId}
select new Timeslot
varAdvisorId = users.UserID,
varAdvisorName = users.varUserName
In the second join I'm getting an error saying the type argument cannot be inferred from the query.
is an integer while tblApp.varSlotId
is a nullable integer. I can figure out that the error is in the above mentioned column. But I'm unable to convert the integer value to a nullable integer as both the columns have the name of varSlotId
tblTime.varSlotId is an integer where tblApp.varSlotId is a nullable integer.
Well that's the problem then. Your two anonymous types aren't the same, and they need to be. It's probably simplest just to cast tblTime.varSlotId
join tblApp in mContext.tblAppointments
on new { varAdvisorId = users.UserID, varSlotId = (int?) tblTime.varSlotId }
equals new { tblApp.varAdvisorId, tblApp.varSlotId }
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