How to remove single and double quotes at both ends of a string

I would like to remove single or double quotes from both ends of a string. The string may contain additional quotes or/and double quotes which shall remain untouched - so removeAll() is not an option.

String one = "\"some string\""; 
String two = "'some \"other string\"'";

// expected result
// some string
// some "other string"

What I tried so far:

two = two.replace("/^[\"\'])|([\"\']$/g", "");

The following would work but there must be a much more elegant way to achieve this..

if ((one != null && one.length() > 1) && ((one.startsWith("\"") && one.endsWith("\"")) || 
                (one.startsWith("\'") && one.endsWith("\'")))) {
            one = one.substring(1, one.length() - 1);

Any ideas?

Update / clarification

My use case is the command line interface of an app, where the user can also drag files/paths into, instead of typing them.

Under Windows the dragged files are beeing surrounded by double quotes, under Linux with single quotes. All I want to do is get rid of them. So in my use case the quotes are always symetric (they match).

But I can perfectly live with a solution, which would strip them even if they wouldn't match, because they always do

Jon Skeet

Option 1: Removing all single and double quotes from start and end

You can use replaceAll which accepts a regular expression - replace doesn't - and do it twice, once for quotes at the start of the string and once for quotes at the end:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String text = "\"'some \"other string\"'";
        String trimmed = text
            .replaceAll("^['\"]*", "")
            .replaceAll("['\"]*$", "");

The ^ in the first replacement anchors the quotes to the start of the string; the $ in the second anchors the quotes to the end of the string.

Note that this doesn't try to "match" quotes at all, unlike your later code.

Option 2: Removing a single quote character from start and end, if they match

String trimmed = text.replaceAll("^(['\"])(.*)\\1$", "$2");

This will trim exactly one character from the start and end, if they both match. Sample:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    static void trim(String text) {
        String trimmed = text.replaceAll("^(['\"])(.*)\\1$", "$2");
        System.out.println(text + " => " + trimmed);


"foo" => foo
'foo' => foo
"bar' => "bar'
'bar" => 'bar"
"'baz'" => 'baz'


See more on this question at Stackoverflow