Contructor definition: receiving "no argument given"

I'm trying to create a derived class and I am receiving this syntax error for each constructor.

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'p' of 'Parent.Parent(Parent)'

This doesn't make any sense to me. This is a constructor definition not a method call I have never see this before on something that isn't a call.

namespace ConsoleApp1

        public class Parent
            public string Label;

            public Parent(Parent p)
                Label = p.Label;

        public class Child : Parent
            public string Label2;

            public Child(Parent p)
                Label = p.Label;

            public Child(Child c)
                Label = c.Label;
                Label2 = c.Label2;

            public Child(string blah, string blah2)
                Label = blah;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

Jon Skeet


public LabelImage(LabelImage source)
    Label = source.Label;
    image = new MagickImage(source.image);
    fileinfo = source.fileinfo;

Is implicitly this:

public LabelImage(LabelImage source) : base()
    Label = source.Label;
    image = new MagickImage(source.image);
    fileinfo = source.fileinfo;

Note the base() part, trying to call either a MyImageAndStuff parameterless constructor, or one which only has a params array parameter, or one with only optional parameters. No such constructor exists, hence the error.

You probably want:

public LabelImage(LabelImage source) : base(source)
    Label = source.Label;
    image = new MagickImage(source.image);
    fileinfo = source.fileinfo;

... and similar things for all your other constructors. Either that, or you need to add a parameterless constructor to MyImageAndStuff. It does seem very odd that you can't create an instance of MyImageAndStuff without already having an instance of MyImageAndStuff - although I guess source could be null.


See more on this question at Stackoverflow