how to add zeros for integer variable

I'm very new to c# programming. I want to know how to add leading zeros for a integer type in c#.


int value = 23;

I want to use it like this ;


Thanks in advance

Jon Skeet

You can't. There's no such contextual information in an int. An integer is just an integer.

If you're talking about formatting, you could use something like:

string formatted = value.ToString("0000");

... that will ensure there are at least 4 digits. (A format string of "D4" will have the same effect.) But you need to be very clear in your mind that this is only relevant in the string representation... it's not part of the integer value represented by value. Similarly, value has no notion of whether it's in decimal or hex - again, that's a property of how you format it.

(It's really important to understand this in reasonably simple cases like this, as it tends to make a lot more difference for things like date/time values, which again don't store any formatting information, and people often get confused.)

Note that there's one type which may surprise you: decimal. While it doesn't consider leading zeroes, it does have a notion of trailing zeroes (implicitly in the way it's stored), so 1.0m and 1.00m are distinguishable values.


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