Create delegate with reference to method in DLL

I have DLL with some methods. I load it in runtime and I want to create delegate to method that is located in DLL.


public static Point Play(int[,] foo, int bar, int baz) { ... }

// ...

I want to create delegate to the Play method. There may be more methods in the DLL.


private delegate Point PlayDel(int[,] foo, int bar, int baz);

// ...

Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadFile(pathToMyDLL);
PlayDel dgt = // ???
Jon Skeet

You'd need to find the type containing the method first, then use Delegate.CreateDelegate:

Type type = ass.GetType("NameOfTypeContainingMethod");
PlayDel del = (PlayDel) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(PlayDel), type, "Play");

Alternatively, you could get the MethodInfo and create the delegate from that:

Type type = ass.GetType("NameOfTypeContainingMethod");
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Play");
PlayDel del = (PlayDel) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(PlayDel), method);

If there are multiple methods called Play, you may need to call GetMethods() instead and find the right one (e.g. by parameter types) first.


See more on this question at Stackoverflow