Parsing AM/PM time string to TimeSpan

I'm using the following to parse a time string to a TimeSpan:

string[] formats = { "hhmm", "hmm", @"hh\:mm", @"h\:mm\:ss", @"h\:mm", "hh:mm tt" };

parseSuccess = TimeSpan.TryParseExact(value, formats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, TimeSpanStyles.None, out dtValue);

This returns false when I try to parse a value like 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM. What is wrong here?

Jon Skeet

tt doesn't exist as one of the format specifiers for custom TimeSpan format strings. That makes sense in that TimeSpan is really meant to be a duration, not a time-of-day value - it's unfortunate that DateTime.TimeOfDay does return a TimeSpan.

It's probably simplest to parse the value as a DateTime and then get the time of day from that:

string text = "5:00 PM";
string[] formats = { "hhmm", "hmm", @"hh\:mm", @"h\:mm\:ss", @"h:mm", @"h:mm tt" };

var success = DateTime.TryParseExact(text, formats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
    DateTimeStyles.None, out var value);

Note that I've corrected the hh:mm tt to h:mm tt as your sample data isn't 0-padded. You quite possibly want HHmm, and HH:mm instead of hhmm and hh:mm as well, to accept values like "21:00".

Alternatively, use my Noda Time library that has a specific type for time-of-day (LocalTime) that can be parsed directly with a LocalTimePattern :)


See more on this question at Stackoverflow