Object from class library not contains methods

Trying to build and use class library in C#.

Creating class library: File->New Project->Windows->Classic Desktop->Class Library Code:

namespace ClassLibrary2
    public class Class1

        public static long Add(long i, long j)
            return (i + j);


Trying to consume it from console application:

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClassLibrary2.Class1 c = new Class1();
            c. //no Add function


But c object not contains Add function. Why? How how to fix it?

Jon Skeet

Add is a static method. You can't call static methods "via" instances in C#. That has nothing to do with it being in a different library.

You can call the method as:

long result = ClassLibrary2.Class1.Add(10, 20);

or if you actually have a using directive for ClassLibrary2 (it's unclear from the question):

long result = Class1.Add(10L, 20L);

Alternatively, change the method to be an instance method, if that's what you wanted - at which point you'd be able to call c.Add(10L, 20L).


See more on this question at Stackoverflow