Arrays of Types in attributes

I want to pass array of Types to attribute, I tried do it this way

class CustomAttribute: Attribute 
   Type[] included;
   Type[] excluded;

[CustomAttribute{included = new Type[] {typeof(ComponentA)}, 
                 excluded = new Type[] {typeof(ComponentB)} }]//dont work  
class Processor 
   // something here

but VS show cant pass Types in attribute.

Do somebody know how to resolve this issue or eventual workaround ?

Jon Skeet

It looks like this has nothing to do with arrays, but everything to do with your general syntax. You're using { } for attribute arguments instead of ( ), and your attribute doesn't have public properties, which are required for named arguments in attributes. Additionally, your attribute class doesn't use [AttributeUsage(...)].

Here's a complete example which does compile:

using System;

class CustomAttribute : Attribute 
    public Type[] Included { get; set; }
    public Type[] Excluded { get; set; }

[CustomAttribute(Included = new Type[] { typeof(string) },
                 Excluded = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(bool) })]
class Processor 

To make things briefer:

  • You can provide a constructor with parameters
  • You can use new[] instead of new Type[]


using System;

class CustomAttribute : Attribute 
    public Type[] Included { get; set; }
    public Type[] Excluded { get; set; }

    // Keep a parameterless constructor to allow for
    // named attribute arguments
    public CustomAttribute()

    public CustomAttribute(Type[] included, Type[] excluded)
        Included = included;
        Excluded = excluded;

[CustomAttribute(new[] { typeof(string) }, new[] { typeof(int), typeof(bool) })]
class Processor 
    // Provide the named version still works
    [CustomAttribute(Included = new[] { typeof(string) },
                     Excluded = new[] { typeof(int), typeof(bool) })]
    public void Method()


See more on this question at Stackoverflow