I try that code for use sql parameters but didnt work and didnt return any error. How can I fix it?
string sql = "SELECT * FROM "+mw.db_name+".ananmez_genel Where hasta_id='@hastaid'";
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MYDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
using (MySqlConnection connect = new MySqlConnection(connectionString))
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connect))
MySqlDataReader mdr;
mdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (mdr.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
arti = (i + 1).ToString();
kontrol = mdr.GetString("c_" + arti);
if (kontrol == "True")
ananmezcheck.ananmez_gnlkontrol(i, check);
yirmibir.Text = mdr.GetString("txt_1");
If i using just like that, it works:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM "+mw.db_name+".ananmez_genel Where hasta_id='"+hastaid+"'";
so there is no problem in the database.
This part is the problem:
Where hasta_id='@hastaid'
That's not using a parameter - that's searching for rows where the value of hasta_id
is exactly the string @hastaid
, because you've put it in a string literal. You need to get rid of the quotes:
Where hasta_id=@hastaid
Then it's looking for rows where the value of hasta_id
matches the value of the parameter @hastaid
See more on this question at Stackoverflow