Browsing 7239 questions and answers with Jon Skeet

Adding Count of Arrays Together returns 0

I have the following class, where the arrays are populated public class InternalTag_RelatedObjectsViewModel { public Guid[] BranchIDS { get; set; } public Guid[]...
Jon Skeet

You're missing precedence, basically. It's easier to see what's going on when this is reduced to a minimal example: using System; public class Program { public static void Main() { string[] a = { "x", "y" }; ... more 8/18/2017 10:45:11 AM


c# FileStream Read having problems with StreamReader EndOfStream

As the title says I found a problem. Little back story first: We have file.txt looking like this: aaaabb ccccddd eeeefffffff There are many ways to read this text line-by-line,...
Jon Skeet

Now there's a problem. Now arr doesn't get anything and s reads the whole line including the first 4 letters. Yes, that seems very plausible. StreamReader maintains a buffer - when you ask it to read a line of text, it may well read... more 8/18/2017 7:32:22 AM


Generate random boxed co ordinates in c#

I need to find random co-ordinates, bound like a square. For this I defined this where the values 70, 55, 175, 175 are the furthest points I want to go to: north =...
Jon Skeet

I would suggest you change your approach: Generate a point for the North/West corner, anywhere in the appropriate range Generate the width and height, ensuring they're positive Set East = West + Width, and South = North - Height more 8/18/2017 6:29:52 AM


prepare a set of arguments that can pass to a function in java

I want to call a function like private void passStrings(String... arg){} And I have an array which store a set of Strings but don't know its size. So How can I use all that array...
Jon Skeet

Just pass it as the array: String[] array = { "Some", "arguments", "I", "prepared", "earlier" }; passStrings(array); A varargs parameter like arg is still an array parameter really - it's just that the compiler allows you to specify the... more 8/18/2017 6:04:05 AM


The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Standard 2.0 error in Visual Studio 2017 update 15.3

I want to create a class library project with Target Framework .NET Standard 2.0. I've updated my Visual Studio 2017 to Version 15.3 and also in Visual Studio installer checked...
Jon Skeet

It sounds like installing the VS2017 update for that specific version didn't also install the .NET Core 2.0 SDK. You can download that here. To check which version of the SDK you've already got installed, run dotnet --info from the... more 8/17/2017 2:22:58 PM


DateTime Manipulation in C# vs Java

I'm new to Java. I have a time I am getting from a web-page, this is in the "hh:mm" format (not 24 hour). This comes to me as a string. I then want to combine this string with...
Jon Skeet

Is there a better way to achieve what I want? Absolutely - in both .NET and in Java, in fact. In .NET I'd (in a biased way) recommend using Noda Time so you can represent just a time of day as a LocalTime, parsing precisely the... more 8/16/2017 12:27:05 PM


Error passing both a dynamic object and an Action to a function

I am trying to pass a dynamic object and an Action into a function. (below is a simple test) But, I am getting the following compile time error: Cannot use a lambda...
Jon Skeet

Sure - do exactly as the compiler says - cast the lambda expression to a concrete type: Calc(obj, (Action<int>)(result => Console.Write("Result: " + result))); The reason you have to do this is that a lambda expression doesn't... more 8/15/2017 4:00:54 PM


Initialize an object before an if statement

in my program I am reading in an excel sheet and am doing some linq selections, which worked fine. Problem: I tried to make a preselection by applying an If-statement. The...
Jon Skeet

I see three options, although there are others: You could explicitly declare the type of variable you want, in which case you can initialize it separately in each case: IQueryable<LinqToExcel.Row> discounts; if... more 8/15/2017 3:26:29 PM


Array types with same element type & rank not equal

Very simple: var equal1 = typeof(object[]) == typeof(object).MakeArrayType(); var equal2 = typeof(object[]) == typeof(object).MakeArrayType(1); var equal3 = typeof(object[,]) ==...
Jon Skeet

The documentation explains the difference: The common language runtime makes a distinction between vectors (that is, one-dimensional arrays that are always zero-based) and multidimensional arrays. A vector, which always has only one... more 8/15/2017 1:33:19 PM


How to reference .NET framework from ASP.NET Core

I have a ASP.NET MVC 5 / .NET 4.7 project that I want to upgrade to ASP.NET Core. The MVC frontend references a service layer project (SL) which in its that uses a datalayer...
Jon Skeet

What framework should my projects target to be able to work together? Can we upgrade just one project to .NET Core and keep the rest in .NET Framework? You don't need to make any of your projects target .NET Core in order to use... more 8/15/2017 1:00:41 PM
