Browsing 7239 questions and answers with Jon Skeet

C# Cannot Deserialize Complex Json Object With Array

So I use HttpClient() to get Json object from web api. The object contains the list of all provinces in a country. This code calls the json deserialization: rj =...
Jon Skeet

Currently your Results property claims to be an object containing an array - as if your JSON for it looked like this: "results": { states: [{ "province_id": "1", "province": "Bali" }, ... more 10/25/2017 5:25:08 AM


Queue for more producer (thread) single consumer (thread)

I'm trying to find solution for more threads writing to a queue and a single thred is reading from it. I found ConcurrentQueue it has TryDequeue(T) that is thread safe but I'm...
Jon Skeet

Yes, the whole point of the concurrent collections is that they're thread-safe. It's fine to write to ConcurrentQueue<T> from multiple threads. From the documentation: All public and protected members of ConcurrentQueue<T>... more 10/24/2017 9:53:52 PM


how to close File Stream in C#

Please see this code. string name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); byte[] documentBytes = (byte[])dt.Rows[0]["DocumentContent"]; int readBytes = 0; //int index = 0; readBytes...
Jon Skeet

You're asking Excel to open the file while you still have the stream open. Given that you're just trying to write bytes to it, I'd just use: // This will close the file handle after writing the data File.WriteAllBytes(name,... more 10/24/2017 2:41:10 PM


NodaPatternConverter for Instant with numeric (unix) format in 2.x.x

As I can read on the support for numeric formatting of Instants has been removed. Is there currently a way to create a...
Jon Skeet

Well, you can implement IPattern<T> yourself. Your parser would just need to use long.Parse then call Instant.FromUnixTicks. The formatter would just need to call Instant.ToUnixTimeTicks and format the result. Ideally, do both of... more 10/24/2017 6:51:25 AM


Why string.Format does not throw ArgumentNullException?

According to MSDN String.Format throws if format is null (pretty reasonable), link here. But testing says it only does that if the second argument is null as well, not if the...
Jon Skeet

Ah, the joys of overload resolution. In that case, you're actually calling string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[]) - so you're passing a null argument for the provider parameter, which is entirely valid (and means to use... more 10/23/2017 4:39:04 PM


C# ToDictionary get Anonymous Type value before C # 7

Hello here is how i get value from dictionary myage value after C# 7 static void Main(string[] args) { List<User> userlist = new List<User>(); ...
Jon Skeet

Three options: First, you could write an extension method like this: public static TValue GetValueOrDefault<TKey, TValue>( this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key) { TValue value; ... more 10/23/2017 2:44:58 PM


Difference between 1/0 and 1.0/0.0 in java

I am new in Java programming language, a stupid question comes up as below. to execute 1/0 in java will be generated a runtime exception, as the value is undefined. but the...
Jon Skeet

anything special with double data type? Yes, double can represent infinity (as can float), whereas int can't. The floating point types follow IEEE 754, which allows for signed infinity values, as well as "not a number" (NaN) values,... more 10/23/2017 9:50:51 AM


Arrays first index displaying wrong element

I am currently studying C# language and getting 0 on the first index[0] where I am looking to see the user input which is "yx". Here's what I have written: using...
Jon Skeet

This loop doesn't do what the code suggests you think it does: foreach (var newemptyarray in y) That's iterating over the elements in y, which are integers. So newemptyarray isn't an array, it's just a value. On the first iteration of... more 10/23/2017 6:47:09 AM


How is switch variable declaration scoped?

How is following possible? switch (param.ParameterType) { case Type x when x == typeof(byte): int invalid; break; case Type x when x == typeof(short): ...
Jon Skeet

Question is, how is x scoped inside each case without any visible blocks. meanwhile, variable invalid cant be declared in different switch cases. it has to be inside a block. Variables introduced via pattern matching in case labels... more 10/22/2017 5:56:52 PM


Use of await keyword in c#

I have a doubt. I have read that await keyword is used when we want to wait for a particular function to finish the operation. public async void Work() { await...
Jon Skeet

But I have a doubt that even if the await and async keyword are not used then also Work() method is going to wait for SlowTask() method to complete its execution before printing "Execution completed" because it will be executed line by... more 10/22/2017 8:55:43 AM
